TR CU 010/2011 “On the safety of machinery and equipment”

TR CU 010/2011 “On the safety of machinery and equipment”

TR CU 010/2011 applies to machinery and equipment (hereinafter – M&E), which are intended for release to the EEC market. The regulation establishes uniform mandatory requirements for the safety of MI at all stages of the life cycle (from development to disposal).

TR CU 010/2011 applies to a fairly wide range of products, including M&E used at hazardous industrial facilities. However, there are exceptions: it does not apply to wheeled vehicles, spacecraft, amusement rides, military equipment and a number of other objects that are listed in paragraph 4 of TR CU 010/2011.

Conformity assessment

According to TR CU 010/2011, machines and equipment put into circulation in the common customs territory are subject to conformity assessment of the requirements of these technical regulations in the form of: certification and declaration. In this case, according to the point 5 of Article and 8 of TR CU 010/2011, by the applicant’s decision the declaration can be replaced by certification. Declaration of Conformity and Certificate of Conformity have equal legal force. Data on approvals: declaration or certificate – enter into the passport of the equipment. Permit documents are issued for a period of 1 to 5 years for serial production, for the batch period is not set.

Products regulated by TR CU 010/2011

The list of products that are subject to conformity assessment requirements of TR CU 010/2011 is presented in Annex 3 of TR CU 010/2011.

Products subject to certification:

1. Household woodworking machines.

2. Snowmobiles, snowmobiles and trailers to them.

3. Garage equipment for motor vehicles and trailers.

4. Agricultural machinery.

5. Small-scale mechanized gardening and forestry machinery, including electric.

6. Machines for animal husbandry, poultry and feed production.

7. Mechanized tools, including electric.

8. Technological equipment for logging, logging and timber floating:

  • gasoline-powered saws;
  • electric chainsaws.

9. Equipment for stripping and clearing operations and fixing of mine workings:

  • mine shearers;
  • mechanized complexes;
  • mechanized fasteners for longwall faces;
  • Pneumatic tools.

10.The equipment for tunneling workings:

  • coal and rock roadheaders;
  • metal shields for preparatory workings.

11. The equipment of shaft hoists and mine transport:

  • mine scraper conveyors;
  • mine belt conveyors;
  • mine winches and mining winches.

12. Equipment for drilling boreholes and wells, equipment for charging and blasting boreholes:

  • pneumatic perforators (drill hammers);
  • pneumatic hammer;
  • drilling rigs for drilling in mining industry;
  • drilling rigs.

13. Ventilation and dust suppression equipment:

  • mine fans;
  • dust collection and dust suppression equipment;
  • oxygen compressors.

14. Lifting and handling equipment, hoisting cranes. (Including escalators, moving walkways and elevators for disabled persons)

Stages of certification

  1. The certification expert and project manager will guide you through the procedure.
  2. You will receive an exact list of documents that need to be collected based on the conditions of your application (including documents that are required for production evaluation, if it is included in the certification scheme).
  3. The expert will identify and select samples of the goods, and then organize their testing in an accredited laboratory.
  4. When certifying the products of serial production, the expert will analyze the state of production. It is necessary to make sure that the manufacturer has all the necessary conditions to ensure the stable output of certified products to the requirements of technical regulations.
  5. If the results of tests and inspections of production are positive, the certification body will issue you a certificate. 
  6. If the certificate is issued for serial products, then during the period of its validity we will conduct inspection control with the specified periodicity – at least once a year. It is necessary to make sure that the manufactured products still meet the established requirements.

We can help you with the declaration!

Products subject to declaration are also listed in Annex 3 of TR CU 010/2011.

Since January 2021 only the applicant himself can register a declaration of conformity TR CU 010/2011. But we are ready to help you to conduct the procedure according to all the rules:

  • provide a list of documents that need to be collected, taking into account the conditions of your particular application;
  • help you fill out the declaration;
  • explain where and how to obtain EDS, which is needed to register the declaration in the register;
  • check all documents;
  • upload a draft of the declaration with the attached documents to the registry IGIS (you will only need to sign it with your EDS).

If the products are subject to confirmation of conformity in the form of a declaration of conformity and the customer supplies his products to a hazardous industrial facility, you must use the scheme 5d for registration of such a declaration.

This scheme implies:

  1. Collection of evidentiary materials, documents in accordance with clause 10 p.8 of TR CU 010/2011;
  2. Appeal to the OS for the study of the product type and in the case of positive results of registration of the certificate of type;
  3. Independent registration of the declaration of conformity in the single register of the FSA.

If you, as a foreign company, do not have an official representative on the territory of the EEU, we are ready to carry out the conformity assessment procedure on our behalf.

We will coordinate the layout of the product authorization document with you in advance in order to avoid possible errors in it.

The service is provided on the basis of a contract for the function of a foreign manufacturer in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

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