SERCONS launched a new product for business development

SERCONS launched a new product for business development

SERCONS announced its intention to make the achievement of sustainable development goals accessible to all Russian companies.

Sustainable development is no longer a priority exclusively for big business. Emphasis should be placed on the chain reaction launched, among other things, by industry leaders: the positions of Russian “giants” in the world ESG ratings are now determined not only by their own efforts, but also by the contribution of their suppliers.

But if domestic enterprises refuse to interact with suppliers that do not share the principles of Sustainable Development, for their own reasons (for now), then the European Union leaves business without the right to choose. The Directive on corporate reporting in the field of Sustainable Development, adopted in 2021 and coming into force in October 2022, obliges medium and large enterprises to monitor the dynamics of ESG metrics not only for themselves, but also for their own counterparties. All Russian companies that do not make efforts to integrate the principles of ESG transformation and supply raw materials, goods and services to organizations in EU jurisdiction with a turnover of €40 million or with a staff of more than 250 people are under attack.

In January 2022 alone, more than 20 partners of SERCONS announced the growing influence of the climate agenda on procurement and supply mechanisms. Financial planning framework for a number of counterparties of the largest Russian companies.

Creating an accessible market for services for designing and publishing ESG reports, integrating the relevant regulatory framework and implementing climate projects should have a direct impact not only on expanding the sales markets for small and medium-sized enterprises, but also on the margins of the largest Russian exporters.

SERCONS declares that it has all the necessary expert and tool base, necessary for the development of the relevant direction in the market.

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