ТR CU 011/2011 «Safety of elevators»

ТR CU 011/2011 «Safety of elevators»

ТR CU 011/2011 applies to elevators and a number of safety devices to them, which are intended for operation in the territory of the EEU. Its requirements must comply with the products manufactured within the EEU, as well as imported from other countries. Only with the certificate it is allowed to put it into circulation on the market of the Customs Union.

Scope of application

TR TS 011/2011 applies to the following objects:

  1. elevators;
  2. elevator safety devices:
  • speed limiters;
  • catchers;
  • buffers;
  • shaft door locks;
  • rupture valves (hydraulic safety devices).

But there are exceptions. If the elevator has a screw or gear-rack lifting mechanism, it does not fall under the requirements of TR CU 011/2011. Elevators that will be used for:

  • for military purposes (special purpose);
  • on ships and planes;
  • in mines for the extraction of coal and other minerals;
  • on offshore platforms for exploration and drilling operations.

How the compliance of elevators is verified

Elevators and elevator safety devices must undergo mandatory certification.

To do this the applicant must fill out and send us an application and attach the documents listed in paragraph 2.5 of Article 6 of TR CU 011/2011.

The tests require an assembled single production elevator, a type sample of a single production batch of elevators or a type sample of a standard series of elevators of serial production.

To test the elevator safety devices, it is required to provide a single manufacture safety device, type sample of the safety device of the single manufactured batch, sample size range of serial production safety device; component parts necessary to conduct tests of the certified safety device;

For products that are serially produced the certificate is issued for a period of up to 5 years. For single copies and elevators and elevator safety devices from a particular batch it is valid until the end of their service life.

Stages of certification

  1. The certification expert and project manager will explain the procedure in detail.
  2. They will send an exact list of documents that need to be collected in your case (including the documents required for the production evaluation if the certification scheme requires it).
  3. If the certification is for serial products, an expert from the certification body will analyze the state of production. It must be ensured that the manufacturer has the necessary conditions to ensure that the products comply with the requirements of TR CU 011/2011.
  4. Then the expert of the certification body will conduct sampling (in the case of serial production or a single production batch).
  5. Tests of selected samples or a single product shall be conducted by an accredited testing laboratory.
  6. If the results of tests and production verification are positive, the certification body will draw up and issue a certificate of conformity.
  7. If the certificate is issued for serial products, an inspection will be carried out at specified intervals during its validity. It is necessary to make sure that the manufactured products still meet the requirements, compliance with which was confirmed at certification.

If you, as a foreign company, do not have an official representative in the territory of the EEU, we are ready to carry out the procedure of compliance confirmation on our behalf.

We will agree the layout of the product approval document with you in advance in order to avoid possible errors in it.

The service is provided on the basis of a contract for the function of a foreign manufacturer in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

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