ТR CU 022/2011 «Food products with regard to labeling»

ТR CU 022/2011 «Food products with regard to labeling»

TR CU 022/2011 regulates requirements for the labeling of food products in order to ensure that consumers complete and accurate information about the purchased product.

Scope of application

TR CU 022/2011 contains requirements for the marking, i.e. information on the goods that is applied to the packaging (consumer and transport), insert, label, etc. in the form of text, drawings, symbols, etc. and their combinations. It does not apply to the products of catering enterprises (which are consumed directly at the place of production) and to products manufactured by citizens in their subsidiary farms for themselves.

Labeling in general form must include the following information about the product:

  • name;
  • composition (list of ingredients);
  • quantity of products per package;
  • nutritional and energy content
  • production date and expiration date;
  • storage conditions (including after the consumer has opened the package);
  • manufacturer and importer;
  • recommendations for use;
  • presence of GMOs (if any);
  • EAC (Eurasian conformity) mark.

Ensuring compliance

Producers and importers (sellers) of food products are obliged to comply with the requirements specified in TR CU 022/2011 for its packaging. Additional requirements for labeling may contain other technical regulations for food products. We are ready to give you detailed advice on how your products should be labelled.

Food products supplied to the EEU market are subject to declaration. This procedure is carried out by the applicant in accordance with the procedure established by the technical regulations for products. The declaration must be registered in the national part of the Single Register (FGIS FSA) in the manner prescribed by Resolution № 936 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2021.

The applicant (declarant), i.e. the person in whose name the declaration is issued, can be the manufacturer of the product, its seller or the official representative of a foreign manufacturer registered on the territory of the EEU as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

New and specialized types of products must undergo state registration. They are required to obtain a certificate of state registration from Rosteсhnadzor.

We will help with registration of documents!

Only the applicant himself can register a product declaration. But we are ready to help you to conduct this procedure according to all rules:

  1. provide a list of documents that need to be collected, taking into account the conditions of your application;
  2. help you fill out the declaration;
  3. explain where and how to obtain EDS, which is necessary for registration of the declaration in the registry;
  4. check all documents;
  5. upload a draft of the declaration with the attached documents to the registry FGIS (you will only need to sign it with your EDS).

Similarly, we are ready to help with the receipt of CSR:

  1. We will issue the necessary list of documents;
  2. We organize product testing in an accredited laboratory (the document package includes a test report);
  3. We will provide support in submitting documents to Rospotrebnadzor and obtain the document.

If you as a foreign company do not have your official representative on the territory of EEU, we are ready to conduct the procedure of compliance on our behalf.

We will coordinate the layout of the product authorization document with you in advance to avoid possible errors in it.

The service is provided on the basis of a contract for the function of a foreign manufacturer in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

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