TR EEU 048/2019 «On requirements for energy efficiency of energy consuming devices»

TR EEU 048/2019 «On requirements for energy efficiency of energy consuming devices»

TR EEU 048/2019 applies to technical devices operating from the grid. It establishes requirements for their energy efficiency and labeling in order to save resources and provide consumers with reliable information. The technical regulation applies to all products that are supplied to the EEU market: both those produced in EEU countries and those imported.

Scope of application

Devices that fall within the scope of TR EEU 048/2019 are listed in Annex 1 thereto:

  • electrical equipment (domestic and office);
  • asynchronous electric motors;
  • lamps: electric, fluorescent, gas-discharge, LED, directional light;
  • washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers;
  • vacuum cleaners;
  • computers and servers;
  • refrigerators (freezers, refrigerators, and combination units);
  • TV sets and set-top boxes;
  • external power supplies;
  • pumps;
  • air conditioners and fans

At the same time, TR EEU 048/2019 stipulates that electrical-consuming devices are the objects of regulation of all technical regulations that contain requirements for them.

How compliance is confirmed

Almost all devices are subject to declaration. Only computers and lamps need to be certified.  The certificate and declaration can be issued to the manufacturer, importer (seller) or a person authorized by the manufacturer, registered on the territory of the EEU as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The certificate is issued by an accredited certification body, and the declaration procedure is carried out by the applicant.

When determining the validity of the certificate or declaration for serial devices are based on when the requirements for their energy efficiency (they are established in the relevant annexes to TR EEU 048/2019), but in any case, the maximum validity of both documents – 5 years. In the case of a party, the validity of the certificate is not set.

Information on the authorization documents must be entered into the Unified Register posted on the website of the Federal Accreditation Agency (FSA). The certificate is registered by the issuing body, and the declaration – by the applicant himself, in the order approved by Decree № 936 of the Government of 19.06.2021.

Stages of certification

Your application will be managed by a personal manager. He will tell you in detail how the service will be rendered.

  1. You will receive an exact list of documents required exactly for your situation (including the documents required for production evaluation, if it is part of the certification scheme).
  2. The expert will select samples of devices and send them to an accredited laboratory for testing.
  3. If serial products are being certified, the expert will analyze the production. His goal is to make sure that the manufacturer has the necessary conditions to ensure the production of products that meet the requirements of TR EEU 048/2019.
  4. If the results of tests and production inspection are positive, the certification body will issue you a certificate.
  5. If the certificate is issued for series production, the certified product will be inspected at certain intervals during its validity. This is necessary to make sure that it still meets the confirmed requirements.

We can help you with the declaration!

We are ready to help you carry out the procedure according to all the rules:

  1. provide a list of documents that need to be collected, taking into account the conditions of your particular application;
  2. help you fill out the declaration;
  3. explain where and how to get EDS, which is needed to register the declaration;
  4. check the availability and correctness of all documents;
  5. upload a draft of the declaration with the attached documents to the FGIS FSA registry (you will only need to sign it with your EDS).

Packaging that meets the requirements of TR EEU 048/2019 bears a special EAC marking.

If you, as a foreign company, do not have an official representative on the territory of the EEU, we are ready to carry out the conformity assessment procedure on our behalf.

We will coordinate the layout of the product authorization document with you in advance in order to avoid possible errors in it.

The service is provided on the basis of a contract for the function of a foreign manufacturer in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

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