Expertise of industrial safety of technical devices

Expertise of industrial safety of technical devices

According to clause 1, article 13 of Federal Law № 116 dated 21.07.1997, technical devices (TD) that are used at hazardous industrial facilities must pass industrial safety expertise (ISE). If technical regulations do not prescribe any other form of assessment for a specific device, such examination allows you to determine whether it meets the established requirements.

Our company has the right to conduct an ISE, since we have a license for this activity. The expertise is carried out by certified in-house experts.

Technical devices that we check:

  • tanks;
  • boilers;
  • cranes;
  • heating systems;
  • gas-operated equipment;
  • heating networks;
  • refrigeration units for industrial use;
  • pipelines;
  • metallurgical equipment;
  • objects of the food and fat-and-oil industry.

When is it necessary to carry out an ISE of a technical device?

According to Article 7 of Federal Law № 116, a technical device must undergo an expert review in the following situations:

  1. It is put into operation.
  2. Its service life has expired, the number of load cycles established by the manufacturer has been exceeded;
  3. The unit has not reached the end of its service life and has been in operation for more than 20 years;
  4. The unit’s design has been changed, the material of its load-bearing elements has been replaced, or repairs have been made after an accident.

How is the ISE carried out?

The ISE is conducted in accordance with the procedure approved by Order of Rostechnadzor № 420 of 20.10.2020, according to which experts:

  • analyze documentation that relates to the technical devices themselves (including conclusions of previous ISEs, acts of investigation of accidents caused by improper operation) and their modes of operation (if any);
  • assess and predict their technical condition (if technical diagnostics is required).

Based on the results obtained, the experts prepare an ISE report and register it in the official register of Rostechnadzor.

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