TR CU 019/2011 «On the safety of personal protective equipment»

TR CU 019/2011 «On the safety of personal protective equipment»

Subject to TR CU 019/2011 are personal protective equipment (hereinafter – PPE), which is produced in the EEU market (regardless of the country of production).

When they talk about the safety of PPE, they mean that:

  1. PPE, as well as the materials from which it is made, whatever protective properties it may have, must not have a negative impact on the user and the environment;
  2. PPE shall protect production personnel against:
  • mechanical factors;
  • chemical factors;
  • radiation factors
  • high/low temperatures;
  • from the thermal effects of electric arcs, non-ionizing radiation, electric shocks, and static electricity;
  • biological factors

It should be noted that TR CU 019/2011 does not regulate the processes associated with the stages of the life cycle of PPE (from development to disposal). These processes are regulated by the national legislation of the EEU member states.

In addition to TR CU 019/2011 the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Decision № 79 of 13.06.2012 approved “The list of products for which the submission of customs declaration is accompanied by a document about the conformity assessment (information about the document on conformity assessment) of the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union “On safety of personal protective equipment” (TR CU 019/2011). It contains specific names of PPE and their TN VED codes.

To determine whether PPE falls under the scope of TR CU 019/2011, it should be correctly identified in accordance with Annexes 4 and 5 of TR CU 019/2011.

PPE that is not covered by TR CU 019/2011 is listed in paragraph 1.7

Section 1 of technical regulation, they are:

  1. personal protective equipment used in sporting events;
  2. specially designed means of individual protection for fire prevention units and for units providing liquidation of the consequences of natural and man-caused emergency situations;
  3. specially developed means of individual protection for use in aviation, space equipment and underwater works;
  4. specially developed means of individual protection for use in medical and microbiological applications;
  5. personal protective equipment used as samples for exhibitions and trade fairs;
  6. personal protective equipment designed or modified to protect against bacteriological (biological) agents and radioactive materials that can be used for military purposes, against toxic chemicals used in chemical weapons and riot control chemicals, as well as specially designed components for them.

How conformity of PPE is verified

Forms of conformity confirmation for a certain class of PPE are regulated in Annex 4 to TR CU 019/2011. It specifies:

  • name of the PPE;
  • risk class to which it belongs;
  • form and scheme of conformity assessment, which are established for the PPE.

Applicants (persons in whose name the documents are issued) can be manufacturers, sellers or official representatives of foreign manufacturers.

Certification of PPE

We certify your products according to an established procedure. The term for which the certificate is issued depends on the scheme applied:

  • 1s – 5 years;
  • 5s and 6s – 3 years;
  • 3s and 4s – up to one year.

Stages of certification

The work on product certification includes the following procedures carried out sequentially:

  1. submission by the applicant to the certification body of an application for work on certification (hereinafter – the application);
  2. review and analysis by the certification body of the application and attached documents, making a decision on carrying out certification work or on refusal to certify and informing the applicant f the decision taken;
  3. carrying out OS evaluation of objects of confirmation of conformity;
  4. generalization of results of evaluation and analysis by certification body of the received results of works on certification of production;
  5. decision-making on issue of the certificate of conformity of production to the established requirements (hereinafter – the certificate of conformity of production);
  6. registration, issue by body on certification of conformity of production and entering of information on the issued certificate of conformity of production in the uniform register of the issued certificates of conformity;
  7. maintenance of a set of documents by the CB and the applicant, the applicant – marking of products with a single mark of conformity of products on the market of the Union in a manner approved by the Eurasian Economic Commission;
  8. realization by body on certification (for certification schemes 1s, 2s, 6s) a periodic estimation of certified production (inspection control). It is necessary to make sure that the manufactured products still meet the requirements, compliance with which was confirmed by the certification.

We can help you with declaration!

You may draw up a declaration for the period of up to 5 years for PPE manufactured in series. If it is a batch of PPE or a single sample, the declaration remains valid until the single sample or the last unit of the batch is sold or expires. However, this period cannot exceed one year.

Since January 2021 to register a declaration of conformity of TR TS 019/2011 can only the applicant. But we are ready to help you to conduct the procedure according to all the rules:

  1. provide a list of documents that need to be collected, taking into account the conditions of your particular application;
  2. help to fill in the declaration;
  3. explain where and how to obtain EDS, which is required for registration of the declaration in the registry;
  4. check all documents;
  5. upload the draft declaration with the attached documents to the IGIS registry (you will only need to sign it with your EDS).

If you, as a foreign company, do not have an official representative on the territory of the EEU, we are ready to carry out the conformity assessment procedure on our behalf.

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