TR CU 031/2012 «On the safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers»

TR CU 031/2012 «On the safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers»

TR CU 031/2012 applies to tractors, trailers and a number of significant components thereof that are sold on the EEC market and are intended for use in agriculture and forestry. The country of their production does not matter – the requirements for all products are the same.

Products regulated by TR CU 031/2012

The technical regulation applies to:

  1. tractors and trailers capable of speeds exceeding 6 km/h (both tracked and wheeled)
  2. components that affect their safety. The list of these components is contained in Annex 1 to the technical regulation. In general, it is the cabin, engine, hitch, seat, in addition to others – tires, glass, mirrors, reflectors, headlights and lights, license plate illumination, sound signal.

A detailed list of regulated products, with HS codes, can be found in the Decision of the Board of the EEC No. 30 of 12.04.2016.

Certificate of Conformity of ТR CU 031/2012

Agricultural and forestry tractors, trailers and their components are subject to certification. For this purpose, tractors and trailers are classified into categories and types according to Annex 3 to the Technical Regulations.

If the manufacturer manufactures not only them, but also components for his assembly production, a test report issued by an accredited laboratory is required for the components listed in Annex 1. Testing of the vehicles themselves for the purpose of certification may only be commenced if a test report or certificate has been obtained for the components.

The applicant, i.e. the person in whose name the certificate is issued, can be a manufacturer, seller or representative of a foreign manufacturer registered in the territory of the EEU.

For products manufactured in series, the certificate is issued for 5 years. In the case of a batch (single copy) the period of validity of the document is not set, but it specifies the characteristic features of this batch, by which it can be identified.

Stages of the certification

  1. The certification expert and the manager who will lead your application will explain in detail how the service is to be provided.
  2. You will be given the documents that need to be collected in your particular situation (including the documents that are required for production evaluation, if it is part of the certification scheme).
  3. The expert will select product samples and organize their testing in an accredited laboratory.
  4. If serial products are being certified, the expert will check their production. It is necessary to make sure that the manufacturer has the necessary conditions to ensure the compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of technical regulations.
  5. If the results of tests and production verification are positive, we will draw up and issue you a certificate.
  6. If the certificate is issued for serial products, during the period of its validity it will be subjected to inspection at specified intervals. It is necessary to make sure that the manufactured products continue to meet the requirements, compliance with which was confirmed at certification.

If you, as a foreign company, do not have an official representative in the territory of the EEU, we are ready to carry out the compliance confirmation procedure on our behalf.

We will agree the layout of the product approval document with you in advance to avoid possible errors in it.

The service is provided on the basis of a contract for the function of a foreign manufacturer in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

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