ТR СU 012/2011 «On the safety of equipment for work in explosive atmospheres»

ТR СU 012/2011 «On the safety of equipment for work in explosive atmospheres»

If combustible substances in the form of dust, fine particles, steam or gas mix with air, an explosive atmosphere is created. The flame which arises in it will be self-sustaining and spread.

TR CU 012/2011 imposes requirements on equipment which is intended to operate under these conditions.

Objects of regulation

Electrical equipment, including its Ex-components, and non-electrical equipment fall within the scope of TR CU 012/2011. It includes a variety of stationary and mobile installations, apparatus, machines, various elements of the IMS/CIP.

Explosion-proof equipment is identified by 2 characteristics:

  1. Its technical documentation specifies the means of ensuring explosion protection. These are measures taken by the manufacturer to make the equipment explosion-proof.
  2. There is an explosion protection marking. It is applied to the equipment and the Ex-component and is indicated in the technical documentation.

There are products to which the Technical Regulations do not apply: they are listed in paragraph 4 of Article 1. If necessary, we can help you understand whether your products fall under the scope of the TR CU 012/2011 and, if not, we will tell you which technical regulations apply to them.

TR CU 012/2011 certificate

All products are subject to certification. Equipment and Ex-components go through the same procedure.

Certification steps

Your application will be managed by a personal manager. He will tell you in detail how the service is provided. 

  1. You will receive the exact list of documents that your situation requires (including the documents needed for production evaluation, if it is part of the certification scheme).
  2. The expert will take samples of the equipment and send them to an accredited laboratory for testing. However, if its production and installation is too complex and specific, TR CU 012/2011 allows testing directly at the place of manufacture or final assembly.
  3. If serial equipment is being certified, the expert will analyze the production. Its purpose is to ensure that the manufacturer has the necessary conditions to ensure the production of equipment that meets the requirements of the technical regulation. 
  4. If the results of tests and production verification are positive, we will draw up and issue you a certificate.
  5. If the certificate is issued for serial products, we will conduct inspection control of the certified product at certain intervals during the period of its validity. This is necessary to ensure that they still meet the confirmed requirements.

For equipment produced in series, the certificate can be issued for a period of up to 5 years. If a batch of equipment or a single product is certified, the period of validity of the document is not set.

If you, as a foreign company, do not have an official representative on the territory of the EEU, we are ready to carry out the conformity assessment procedure on our behalf.

We will coordinate the layout of the product authorization document with you in advance in order to avoid possible errors in it.

The service is provided on the basis of a contract for the function of a foreign manufacturer in terms of ensuring compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and in terms of liability for non-compliance of the supplied products with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

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